Alex Cole-Hamilton

Alex Cole-Hamilton

When you think of British colonialism you think of aristocratic men in the 1800’s with handle bar moustaches. Living in India telling starving natives they don’t deserve to exist while stealing their resources to fund “The Empire”. It’s an image that I’m sure every right-minded individual would think is consigned to the pages of history but no. Alex Cole-Hamilton is such a man.

Today in the national is an article about a Speech with Alex Cole-Hamilton doing just that. A man born in England stands at a table in Oxford clad in a kilt. Unashamedly he starts by stating that he “loves his country” and is a “patriot”. He then goes onto state “They have the right to make decisions about their future.” By “they” I presumed he meant Scots which confused me more as he is standing there in a kilt. Alex claims “Once in a generation” was a pledge. This old chestnut has no basis in reality and is an embarrassing claim to make on camera.

My initial bemusement at watching such a relic of the past on a Youtube link in the article is replaced by the realisation that Alex Cole is serious. How Salmond, sitting nearby kept his cool is beyond me.  Scotland is a colony of the UK State and like all the colonies before us it us time to go independent. Demand your MSP and MP tell their leaders to put on their manifesto that a vote for their party at the next election is a vote for Scottish independence.

Alex-Cole Hamilton destroys Scotland
Alex-Cole Hamilton destroys Scotland

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